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Growing employee appreciation spurs employers to expand their wellbeing strategies

Highlights from recent research in Asia Pacific

August 20, 2024

The 2024 Wellbeing Diagnostic Survey found that employers are leaning into their wellbeing programs — and it’s paying off.
Benessere integrato|Health and Benefits
Infographic on the findings from the 2024 Wellbeing Diagnostic Survey in Asia Pacific. Described under the heading Growing appreciation spurs employers to expand their approach to employee wellbeing.


Growing appreciation spurs employers to expand their approach to employee wellbeing

Companies that are highly effective in their wellbeing strategy report higher overall performance

Over the past year, how has your organisation performed in the following areas compared with other organisations in your industry?

Employee work engagement
High-effectiveness group Low-effectiveness group
Employee productivity 67% 22%
Employee work engagement 64% 25%
Overall financial performance 61% 35%
Low annual employee turnover 56% 27%
Attraction/Retention of key talent 56% 23%

Note: Effectiveness groups are based on self-reported scores across 24 features of a company’s wellbeing programmes. Organisations with the highest scores are deemed to have the most effective wellbeing programmes.

Employee appreciation for their employers’ wellbeing initiatives have significantly improved in the past five years

Overall score (Promoters − Detractors)
2019 2024
Asia Pacific –27% –1%
Global –38% –15%

Highly engaged employees in Asia Pacific are 33 percentage points more likely to recommend their employers’ wellbeing initiatives than those disengaged.

Note: The Net Promoter Score is measured based on the percentage of employees who are engaged (promoters) and dissatisfied (detractors) with their employers’ wellbeing initiatives.

Employees in Asia Pacific self-reported better overall wellbeing

Asia Pacific Global
Physically thriving 68% 62%
Financially secure 53% 49%
Emotionally balanced 48% 48%
Socially connected 39% 36%

Sample: All employees except for Canada and U.S which are full-time employees only.

And there are opportunities to improve employee awareness of their wellbeing issues

Employee awareness of wellbeing
  • 41% - High
  • 29% - Mid
  • 30% - Low

The employee awareness index aggregates employee’s views on whether their employer is effective at helping them understand the issues they face and the steps they need to take to address them across the four wellbeing dimensions: physical health, emotional health, financial situation, and social connections at work.

What’s next?

Employers in Asia Pacific are aiming to focus on enhancing employee experience in the next few years.

  • Enhance employee experience - 81%
  • When it comes to employee experience, employers struggle with:

    Technology adoption
    Adopting new technologies, digital platforms, and programme features to enhance the employee experience and support programme engagement and evaluation
    • 6% - Very effective
    • 25% - Effective
    • 32% - Moderately effective
    • 25% - Somewhat effective
    • 12% - Not at all effective

    Performance evaluation
    Evaluating the performance of your various programmes and their impact on employee wellbeing
    • 5% - Very effective
    • 24% - Effective
    • 33% - Moderately effective
    • 25% - Somewhat effective
    • 12% - Not at all effective

    Needs identification
    Identifying specific needs for various segments of the workforce and using targeted approaches for driving employee engagement
    • 4% - Very effective
    • 25% - Effective
    • 36% - Moderately effective
    • 21% - Somewhat effective
    • 14% - Not at all effective

Only 35% of employers think they are effective in employee experience.

Next steps for employers

  • Develop a multiyear road map that commits to the organisation’s wellbeing priorities.
  • Set the right wellbeing priorities by evaluating the wellbeing needs of different groups and personalise tools and resources through employee listening.
  • Conduct a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) benefits review to understand if there are immediate opportunities to better cater to unique employee circumstances that align with your organisation’s DEI goals.
  • Prioritise communications to involve senior leaders and the use of segmented approaches for a tailored outreach to boost employee experience.
  • Create a measurement strategy to establish clear and quantifiable objectives over a multiyear period.

Sources: 2019 Global Benefits Attitudes Survey, Asia Pacific. 2024 Global Benefits Attitudes Survey, Asia Pacific. 2024 Wellbeing Diagnostic Survey, Asia Pacific.

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