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Alert:24 is WTW’s specialist security and crisis management advisory practice delivering intelligence, consulting, and training solutions that help identify, monitor, and manage security risk.

Contact Us

Established in 2013 in response to client demand, Alert:24 is WTW’s in-house security risk advisory and crisis support practice providing services across the security spectrum to our global client base. With three operations centers around the world, our crisis support team provides response triage, advocacy, and support throughout the incident timeline.

30+ Alert:24 colleagues across the globe

24/7 crisis support team

Map showing locations of Alert:24 employees. The locations highlighted are Houston, Reading, London, Singapore, Australia.
Map of Alert:24 hubs providing global risk advisory and crisis support.

Alert:24 solutions

Crisis support

  • Single point of contact for support and guidance in the aftermath of an incident
  • Dedicated crisis support agents and intelligence analysts providing advice across a wide range of scenarios and contexts
  • Connecting clients with their insurance backed assistance provider
  • Engaging with broker and claims teams to commence the claims process
  • Quality oversight of assistance services and provider performance
  • Access to a range of crisis support services such as psychological trauma response
  • Travel monitoring and overwatch services

Risk advisory

  • International security and crisis management specialists, with a network of retained expertise across the world.
  • Providing clients with intelligence, consultancy, and training services across the security and resilience spectrum.
  • Access to experienced security professionals in the fields of physical security, counter-terrorism, active assailant, kidnap and extortion, and personnel security.

Alert:24 service areas

Core solutions Specialist areas

Security risk management

  • Security assessments
  • Operational plan and policy review
  • Framework design and build
  • Portfolio assurance programs
  • Embedded personnel

Kidnap crisis management

  • Operational plan and policy review
  • Maturity assessments
  • Training and exercising

Crisis management

  • Operational plan and policy review
  • Maturity assessments
  • Framework design and build
  • Training and exercising

Active assailant and workplace violence

  • Security assessments
  • Operational plan and policy review
  • Framework design and build
  • Portfolio assurance programs

Risk intelligence and geopolitics

  • Risk assessment
  • Threat briefs
  • Risk monitors
  • Estimated Maximum Loss Assessments (EMLs)
  • Market entry

Travel risk management

  • Framework design and build
  • Operational policy review
  • Gap analyses
  • Training

Frequently asked questions

Alert:24 is a business unit within WTW’s Crisis Management global broking division. The name Alert:24 differentiates our operational risk solutions from those offered by our insurance colleagues in WTW.

Working with our team is not dependent on you being an existing client of WTW. However, policyholders may have access to an insurance bursary that can cover or subsidize Alert:24 solutions.

We are fortunate to work with a diverse range of clients across all major sectors, as well as international organizations and private clients. This diversity spans not only sectors but also geography and culture, as we work daily with clients on every continent. Our clients vary in size, from large conglomerates to single-asset operations.

We routinely work with some of the largest and most mature corporate security teams in the world, and there's nearly always a place for our support. This can be articulated through our CCI model:

  • Capacity: We assist with ad hoc or strategic projects that are difficult to complete alongside routine tasks, providing additional horsepower where needed.
  • Capability: We offer specialized expertise in certain geographies, techniques, and niche risks such as kidnap and active assailant situations, accrued through decades of experience, which our clients can leverage.
  • Independence: Our independent reviews and assessments can add value for various agendas, including third-party validation of existing frameworks, distancing from an opinion or output, and post-incident reviews.

By tapping into our capabilities, we can help achieve your objectives and improve the efficiency of your security team.

We offer CPD-accredited Kidnap Crisis Management training, making us one of the few organizations globally to provide this.

Although we do not provide conventional assistance solutions, we offer additional crisis services such as post-incident evaluation, psychological support, and critical incident crisis counseling for affected individuals. Our crisis support agents are skilled intelligence analysts who can provide you with information on global events as well as advice and guidance when you are unsure how to act. We also provide quality assurance through an appraisal process that verifies the experience and capability of assistance providers and monitors service provision, ensuring you get the most out of your service provider.

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