In the face of all the changes that have occurred over the last year, it is becoming increasingly evident that organisations which invest in integrating automation and digitisation into their systems are going to have a significant advantage going forward, over those which fail to do so.
The COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated the scarcity of digital talent, but at the same time it has propagated the practice of remote working, which has led to a number of global companies considering hiring talent from much further afield than they would have previously. Organisations must pay for survival, but it is an outlay worth every penny, if done right. A differentiated rewards approach for critical digital talent – one that balances market competitiveness, fair pay principles and cost optimisation – is a must-have to drive an organisation’s success and to power through this lack of digital talent.
In this webcast we will hear from the Head of Reward at Marks & Spencer’s about how they have been shaping their reward strategy to help them differentiate and gain a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining their talent. Wealso discussed research and client work from the last year and how organisations are taking actions to shape their reward approach for critical digital talent.
Insights related to our seventh session: