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Sustainability: Aligning organisational goals to pension portfolios

November 4, 2022

ESG Spotlight session on sustainability. We discuss the key actions asset owners can take now to enable pension schemes meet their ESG goals.
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Climate Risk and Resilience|ESG In Sight
Sustainability: Aligning organisational goals to pension portfolios

Corporate momentum to deliver on ESG goals is moving at pace. The spotlight has turned to pension plans to do their part. We discuss key actions asset owners can take now, including:

  • How organisations and investors are changing to deliver on sustainability goals
  • The legal framework to support sustainability impacts of pension funds
  • Sustainable investment processes for managing portfolio performance
  • The consideration of inclusion and diversity (I&D) and stewardship within sustainability goals

The full suite of videos are now available below. They include speakers from:

  • Freshfields
  • World Benchmarking Alliance
  • EY
Video transcript

Sustainability: Aligning organisational goals to pension portfolios


SPEAKER 1: Welcome to WTW's ESG In Sight Spotlight Series.


CHRIS FORD: Hello, and welcome to WTW's ESG In Sight Series. I'm Chris Ford, head of investments at WTW. Now, our goal is to help clients invest today for a more sustainable tomorrow. And we've heard from our clients and all their stakeholders that there's a need for clarity on the actions needed to address many sustainability topics.

So this series is divided into two parts, one around managing sustainability goals in line with your organizational goals, and another on climate and net zero reporting. So in this session, we're going to be exploring the alignment of pension fund sustainability goals with the wider organizational goals taking account of the evolving regulatory requirements.

We will be discussing the sustainable investment pathways with EY, and we'll have the World Benchmarking Alliance here to discuss the transformation of the capital market system as a whole. Thinking Ahead Institute will be discussing the Investment organization of tomorrow, and we'll be talking to Freshfields about their legal framework for impact reporting.

We'll also be shining a spotlight on stewardship and inclusion and diversity with two short sessions outlining why these are critical elements of sustainability. I believe that by exchanging ideas and working together, we have a better chance of successfully navigating the challenges of investing and living in a more sustainable world.

We're, of course, all on this journey together, but here at WTW, we've taken a number of important steps already, including a formal net zero commitment, detailed sustainability reporting on over 500 managers, and we've committed significant capital to a wide range of sustainable investment strategies and real-world projects.

There's much more for us to do together, but you can find out more about our activities in our sustainable investment annual report and our stewardship code report. Thank you for tuning in to this ESG In Sight Series, we really hope you enjoy the discussions we've put together for you.


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