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Navigating the changing insurance landscape: Strategies for corporate insurance buyers

By Duncan Philpott | June 27, 2023

An exploration of the Professional Indemnity market highlighting broader coverage opportunities, renewal strategies and the importance of building insurer relationships.
Climate|Financial, Executive and Professional Risks (FINEX)

As corporate insurance buyers (buyers), you play a pivotal role in safeguarding your organisation's interests and managing risks effectively. In the midst of an evolving insurance landscape, it is crucial to stay informed and adapt your approach to leverage emerging opportunities. In this article, we will explore key developments and strategies that can empower buyers to thrive in this dynamic environment.

Favourable market conditions

One encouraging trend in the professional indemnity market is the stabilisation of insurance premiums. After years of volatility, we are now experiencing a more favourable environment, with premiums remaining flat or even showing signs of reduction. This shift can be attributed to a heightened competition among insurers and their ambitious growth targets. As buyers, it is essential to recognise and capitalise on these improved market conditions.

Expanded options and coverage

The entry of new market players and market re-entrants, including Travelers, Swiss Re, and Fortegra, has expanded the range of options available to buyers. This influx brings increased capacity and broader coverage opportunities. As a result, buyers now have the flexibility to consider a wider pool of insurers, negotiate more favourable terms, and tailor coverage to align with their risk appetite. It is crucial to explore these expanded options to ensure the best fit for your organisation's unique needs.

Re-evaluating renewal strategies

In this evolving landscape, it is prudent for buyers to re-evaluate their renewal strategies. Engaging with brokers early in the process allows for comprehensive discussions on coverage, rates, and exploration of new markets. By challenging existing arrangements and considering alternatives, buyers can optimise outcomes. Additionally, ensuring that market presentations accurately reflect your organisation's risk profile is vital for productive negotiations with insurers. Embracing a proactive approach to renewal strategies will aid in positioning you for success.

Seizing enhanced coverage opportunities

The changing market dynamics have resulted in notable improvements in coverage terms. Buyers should actively seek out these opportunities to secure comprehensive coverage that aligns with their organisation's needs. WTW have specialist contract advisory teams to design bespoke wordings and maximise your coverage. By proactively negotiating with insurers and highlighting your risk management strategies, you can achieve optimal terms, such as reinstatements, premium reductions and tailored coverage. It is through strategic engagement with your broker that you can maximise coverage benefits.

Cultivating stronger insurer relationships

Building strong relationships with insurers is invaluable for buyers. Actively engaging with insurers fosters mutual understanding and collaboration. Face-to-face meetings provide an opportunity to deepen connections, allowing insurers to gain a better understanding of your organisation's risk profile. Strengthening these relationships can lead to improved access to capacity and more favourable renewal terms. Establishing yourself as a preferred partner is crucial in a competitive market.

Leveraging ESG initiatives

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are gaining prominence in the insurance industry. Buyers can leverage their organisation's investments in ESG as a differentiating factor. By aligning with insurers' growing interest in ESG, you can showcase your commitment to robust risk management practices. Highlighting your ESG initiatives can set you apart from your peers and enhance your reputation in the market.

In conclusion, corporate insurance buyers must remain agile and adaptable to thrive in the changing insurance landscape. By capitalizing on preferential market conditions, exploring expanded options, re-evaluating renewal strategies, seizing enhanced coverage opportunities, cultivating stronger insurer relationships, and leveraging ESG initiatives, you can optimise your insurance arrangements and mitigate risks more effectively.

Our team at WTW are committed to maximising opportunities and ensuring that our insurance arrangements align with your evolving needs. We are ready to navigate these challenges with you.


Head of Professions/Financial Services


Director, Professional Indemnity Insurance, FINEX GB

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