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Terrorism and Political Violence

The profile of terrorism is constantly evolving. It has become a globally strategic political tool, deployed not only by religious extremists, but also a broad spectrum of actors with secular political or social motivations. The evolution of tactics and targets requires constant monitoring and adapting of risk management strategies in each territory where a company operates.

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Why WTW?

  1. policy design

    Policy design

    As a market leader in the development of standalone terrorism insurance products following the events of 9/11, WTW continues to innovate to respond to the changing risk landscape and requirements of our clients.

  2. analytical services

    Analytical services

    WTW deploys state of the art analytics to assess risk accumulation and quantify the potential human and financial impact of various attack scenarios, validating risk transfer decisions.

  3. global capabilities

    Global capabilities

    Our team of 30+ terrorism specialists are in key global hubs, accessing the global insurance marketplace and supporting our clients wherever they operate.

  4. market strength

    Market strength

    Competitive pricing and risk appropriate coverage is ensured through strong relationships with top-rated carriers dedicated to providing the best terms and conditions.

  5. captives


    We are leaders in the creation, management and strategic use of captives for underwriting terrorism risk. Through years of experience we have developed highly refined and comprehensive policies covering the constantly broadening scope of coverage against ever changing events.

  6. government affairs

    Government affairs

    We advocate for our clients on the most important legislative issues, including the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.

The WTW Global Terrorism and Political Violence team ensures our clients are informed on the issues, events and appropriate risk management response to the risks of terrorism, political violence and active assailant events. As a unified global practice, we represent our clients in the worldwide terrorism insurance market to ensure the most comprehensive market access and competitive terms.

Our process

Chart displaying the six steps of our broking process: educating clients, conducting analytics, advocating on legislative issues, designing risk transfer options, accessing the best markets, continued evaluation.
  1. Assist and educate clients in navigating evolving threat
  2. Conduct analytics to provide insight and quantify risks
  3. Advocate on legislative issues and ensure compliance
  4. Design innovative risk transfer options and policy design
  5. Access the best markets and newest products
  6. Continued risk profile evaluation, share relevant thought leadership and program optimization

Our products

  • Domestic and international terrorism and sabotage
  • Active shooter/assailant
  • Loss of attraction
  • Nuclear, chemical, biological and radiological (NCBR) terrorism
  • Trade disruption insurance
  • Political violence
  • Impairment of access
  • Threat of an attack
  • First-party cyber terrorism
  • RESTART (demolition and rebuild)

WTW can provide terrorism expertise to any company operating and expanding business in dense cities with large populations and in locations or occupancies which are a high attraction to terrorist groups.

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