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Onboarding surveys

The early days of an employee’s tenure can set a path to a high-value career or an early exit. A positive start accelerates their value, enhancing your investment in recruiting and training.

Onboarding surveys operate continuously throughout the year to provide an ongoing stream of critical information about these early experiences. Typically deployed in short, rapid sequence, e.g., 30-, 60-, and 90-days, these surveys are part of a broader employee listening strategy to enhance the overall employee experience and organizational performance.  The insights gleaned through onboarding surveys help you lose fewer, and gain more, of the right kind of employees, accelerate their “ramp up” time and secure their future engagement.

Key features of onboarding surveys

  • Flexible Cohort Groupings: Organize data by specific groups to analyze trends effectively.
  • Dynamic Data Views: Monitor onboarding trends with 30, 60, and 90-day touchpoints.
  • Demographic Segmentation: Break down data by demographic groups for targeted insights.
  • Updated Dashboards: Access continuously refreshed data for up-to-date information.
  • Export Options: Easily export data to Excel and PDF formats.
  • Customizable Access: Configure data views to suit organizational needs.

Onboarding surveys are a critical component of your employee listening strategy

Onboarding surveys are just one type of Lifecycle Survey - others may be used for gathering insights at pivotal moments such as promotions, return from leave, work anniversaries, exit, and more. Together, these Lifecycle Survey combine with more traditional quarterly or annual surveys, as well as other touchpoints, to create an overall employee listening strategy.

Lifecycle surveys are part of a robust employee listening strategy, which includes various touchpoints

A graphic showing the evolution of employee listening.
This includes onboarding and exit surveys, all employee surveys, virtual focus groups, pulse surveys and progress check.
The evolution of employee listening

Enhanced survey implementation

  • Automated Survey Administration: Integrate with your HRIS to deploy surveys automatically at critical transition points, such as after the first 30, 60, and 90 days of employment.
  • Lifecycle Surveys: Extend beyond onboarding surveys to capture key moments like promotions, returns from leave, work anniversaries, or exit to gather comprehensive insights throughout the employee lifecycle.

Powerful reporting tools

  • Interactive Reports: Visualize the employee lifecycle experience with interactive displays that allow for easy examination of results across the organizational hierarchy and by relevant demographic segments.
  • Cohort Analysis: Track how specific groups evolve over time, enhancing understanding of employee experiences such as who join during a given season or who experience a new onboarding program.

Unleash the power of WTW’s software, data and advisory services to deliver a world-class employee survey and insight program. Come explore the WTW difference.

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