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Geopolitical Risk Newsletter – Summer 2021

By Neal Croft and Ryan Brown | July 08, 2021

The latest Willis Towers Watson Geopolitical Risk insights, featuring perspectives across our lenses on risks and drivers from around the world.
Risk and Analytics|Credit and Political Risk
Geopolitical Risk

Welcome to the Summer edition of the Willis Towers Watson Geopolitical Risk newsletter.

This newsletter features information on geopolitical risk issues from around the world published in the quarter.

Because Geopolitical risks are increasingly impacting multiple areas of all organisations – making them a top corporate risk and board room agenda item – we have found that drawing on experts from across Willis Towers Watson to explore the intersection of threats is crucial. These threats can’t be viewed in isolation, and need to be managed with integrated solutions that start with the need to understand, prevent/protect and respond to them.

We hope that you find some of our thinking below useful to understand the drivers and impacts on a business. We have also established a series of events to help support you understand and manage these issues aimed at both your c-suite and operational levels. We hope you and your colleagues can attend and would welcome your feedback on how we can assist you to better understand and manage these increasingly interconnected challenges.


Neal Croft
Global Client Relationship Director


  1. 01

    As sports and entertainment venues reopen, threat of violence rises

    Although increased demand in the sports and entertainment industries brings greater risk, several insurance coverages can help mitigate the exposure.

  2. 02

    Cyber espionage and the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine

    With the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout underway, this article explores recent cyber attacks on healthcare organisations related to the pandemic.

  3. 03

    The Willis Research Network: 15 years of Science for Resilience

    The Willis Research Network (WRN) team held its 3-day conference to celebrate the team's 15-year anniversary. Session recordings and insights are available on the campaign site.

  4. 04

    The interconnected risk landscape

    We live in an interconnected world, where the process of considering emerging risks can be used to build resilience to these challenges.

  5. 05

    Business culture eats Cyber strategy for breakfast

    How does business culture affect the risk of Cyber-attacks in working environments?

  6. 06

    Return to work guidance for retail and leisure businesses

    The following checklist provides guidance for retail and leisure operators on areas to be considered as they resume business following the latest lockdowns across the UK.

  7. 07

    Managing Reputational Risk in Retail

    It’s become increasingly important that retailers have the right tools available to monitor and manage their reputation, mitigate risks and repair any damage.

  8. 08

    Reducing the impacts of terrorist attacks

    There is a wealth of publicly available information on how organisations can reduce the impacts of a terrorist attack, this article highlights 5 key areas.

Future Events

Subscribe to the Geopolitical Risk Team newsletter if you would like to hear about upcoming events.

Emerging, Converging and Evolving: Geopolitical Risk and Cyber Threats

Cyber Resilience Operational webinar

July 21, 2021, 14:00-15:00

With the emergence and importance of Cyber risk increasingly accelerating, the opportunities and threats of the risks of cyber increase for businesses of all sizes. This session will look at the current state of Cyber and interlinked risks, how we got to this point and what the biggest threats are to your business. We will offer thoughts and expert analysis regarding the outlook of emerging risks on the horizon and tangible actions you and your business can make right now to identify and manage the current and emerging risks.

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Global Client Relationship Director
Willis Towers Watson
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Geopolitical Risk


Director of Risk Engagement

Associate Director, Consulting and Client Management, CRS – FINEX GB

(Cyber Risk) Analyst, GB Cyber Risk Solutions

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Director – Head of Alert:24

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