Amendments to the affirmative action provisions of the Employment Equity Act (EEA) were signed into law in April 2023. Among other changes, the amendments empower the minister of employment and labor to set employment targets for certain categories of employees, by industry sector and job level, which companies with 50 or more employees will have to reflect in their required employment equity plans. In May 2023, the minister published a draft implementing regulation with detailed targets for 18 sectors. The targeted effective date for the EEA amendments and regulation is September 1, 2023, although the government has yet to confirm this.
The main changes introduced by the amendments include:
Among companies surveyed, affirmative action is most commonly implemented through the focused hiring of PDIs as well as education and training programs that target PDIs to facilitate promotional opportunities. A quarter of surveyed employers have formal PDI-specific hiring quotas. Designated employers should start reviewing their employment equity plans to make sure their employment goals are aligned with the proposed sector-based targets or, if required, to define the course of action for revising their plan. Preparation and implementation of employment equity plans require prior consultation with employees’ representatives (i.e., a representative labor union or representatives chosen by employees).