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Aquaculture Insurance

Our Aquaculture team can help you reduce your risks and protect your fish stock, equipment and technical investments so you have the financial resources to carry on your business.

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Rising water temperatures, linked to climate change, are changing the conditions for fish and shellfish farming from single site operators to large global producers.

Rising sea temperatures along with natural catastrophe and environmental changes can attribute to a rise in disease and mortality putting your fish stock at a greater risk of loss and putting pressure on your ability to fulfil contracts and profitability. WTW’s team of aquaculture specialists can provide insurance solutions tailored to meet the specific challenges you face in your locations.

What can be insured with aquaculture insurance?

  • Stock mortality cover
  • Loss caused by disease or parasites
  • Changes in water temperature
  • High (flood) or low (draught) water events
  • Change of water quality, ph or salinity
  • Storms and extreme weather events
  • Escape of farmed fish
  • Predation of stocks
  • Theft of fish and shellfish
  • Sudden and unforeseen structural failure and/or mechanical breakdown
  • Pollution caused by fish farming
  • Debris
  • Biosecurity risks
  • Plankton or jellyfish bloom
  • Malicious damage

Who is this for?

We work with onshore and offshore fish farms, shellfish farms, hatcheries and nurseries. We can assist in providing hull cover for working crafts, support vessels, cages, equipment and cargo live in transit.

Benefits of cover

  • Tailored insurance will protect your business against of a wide range of events that can impact your revenues and cashflow.
  • It can increase financial security at a time when the sector is increasingly affected by climate and environmental changes.
  • Our specialist aquaculture insurers understand the nature of your specific risks and will work with you and the insurers to achieve the best possible outcome, within a reasonable and acceptable timeframe when processing your claim.
  • Agreed value basis of cover or production values for the smaller farms.

Working with WTW

Our Aquaculture brokers are highly experienced in placing cover tailored to individual needs. We’re part of WTW’s food, beverage and agriculture network, providing a single point of access to global insurance markets, as well as tailored risk analytics to help you understand, quantify and mitigate your risks.

We can provide a premium estimate upon request once we receive the necessary information.

For smarter ways to managing your risks, please get in touch with the contacts listed at the top of this page.

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