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Job Re-Invention in the Future of Work

March 29, 2023

In this era of uncertainty and disruption, job reinvention is a critical strategy that will enable leaders to respond with agility to the evolving needs of organisations, customers and employees.
Work Transformation

The jobs of yesterday are losing its relevance in the new world of work. Adapting to these constantly evolving shifts is an undertaking that requires a degree of unparalleled sophistication and agility. The challenges in getting this right are immense, but so are the rewards.

This webinar covers the key topics below:

  • Job Re-invention
  • Facilitating Business and Workforce Transformation

Take this opportunity to get your questions on job re-design answered, and find out more about the Support for Job Redesign under Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG-JR) by SNEF.

Please fill the form below to watch the webinar replay.

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