HR is not a function, it is a mission. And it’s a mission only possible when you have a clear vision. Meet our experts discussing all angles related to Human Capital in form of different Missions – including talent, rewards and employee benefits.
We believe the best way to solve any problems is when you take the right action. With our commitment to provide you with the most up-to-date information to help you understand the market dynamics and your business to stay relevant in the age of transformation and the new normal for workforces, we aim to empower all HR professionals become better at what they do and help them form an educated decision that is aligned with the ultimate company direction.
Access these replayed Missions to experience our insights in a problem-solving manner or watch our latest content addressing the most asked questions related to different issues! Below are some topic highlights:
- Mission 1: Mission to transform – Awaken the HeRo within
- Mission 2: Mission I’Mpossible – Activate the F in beneFit
- F for FAQ (Thai with Eng subtitles): “Flexible Benefits”
- F for FAQ (English version): “Flexible Benefits”
Stay tuned for more VDO content coming soon. Or get in touch with us by submitting contact form in the "Suggestion Box" located on the right column above and we will get the right team of experts to get back to you to address your needs!