Changes to the current defined contribution (DC) plan contribution limit that were proposed by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) will come into effect on December 1, 2024. Companies in Japan commonly have both DC and funded defined benefit (DB) retirement plans for their employees. More background information can be found in our Global News Brief on this topic.
The ultimate impact of the change will vary for employers, possibly creating opportunities for companies to introduce employee contributions (in cases where the DC limit will increase) or challenges to maintain current DC plans if the contribution limit decreases. In addition, the changes may also have implications beyond benefit plan design, possibly impacting the funding and investment of the DB plans as well.
Companies sponsoring both a DC plan and a funded DB plan should begin reviewing their retirement plans and consider the impact of the changes from a holistic perspective. For large plans, it can take 12 to 18 months from the first preliminary review to full implementation. Willis Towers Watson provides a wide range of retirement services in Japan and can support such reviews.