Bill 378/2022 would introduce a variety of amendments to the Labor Code, including an increase in employer-paid paternity leave and the introduction of paid carer leave. The bill’s chief aim is to transpose European Union (EU) directives 1152 (on transparent and predictable working conditions) and 1158 (on work/life balance) of 2019, which is required of all member states by August 2022. The bill is currently with the Senate for approval.
Notable changes to the Labor Code include:
Given the EU mandate for all member states to transpose the two directives, it is expected that the bill will be passed into law, although its exact provisions are still subject to parliamentary change and approval. Among companies surveyed by WTW, the enhancement of statutory family-related leaves is rare, with fewer than 10% of companies providing paternity leave in excess of requirements. In addition, only 2% provide paid compassionate leave. Employers should continue to monitor developments in order to remain compliant while reviewing the potential impact of the amendments on their policies and practices.