Effective March 1, 2024, Edict 109/2023 requires employers of non-Bahrainis to start immediately paying monthly contributions to the Social Insurance Organization (SIO) to pre-fund end-of-service benefits (EOSBs) for future service for these employees. Before this change, employers generally would accrue the EOSB liability on a book-reserve basis. In mid-2023, non-Bahrainis made up nearly 80% of the total workforce, according to the Labor Market Regulatory Authority.
Employers should prepare to pay the required new contributions and consider how the new arrangement will affect their EOSB cash planning and accounting treatment. Employers will also want to ensure that employees understand the change in how future EOSB accruals will be paid out (i.e., no longer directly by the employer). Future regulations hopefully will clarify any potential employer EOSB liabilities in respect of future service.