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Survey Report

Insurance Marketplace Realities 2025 – Healthcare professional liability

October 4, 2024

Heightened rates in healthcare professional liability due to systemic strain, physician scarcities and substantial malpractice settlements. Insurer capacity reduced.
Rate predictions: Healthcare Professional Liability
  Trend Range
Overall healthcare professional liability Flat, (increase) +5% to +15%
Allied Health Flat, (Neutral increase) 0% to +5%
Hospital professional Flat, (Neutral increase) +5% to +5%
Managed care E&O Flat, (increase) 0% +10%
Physicians’ professional liability Flat, (Neutral increase) +5% to +15%
Senior living Flat, (increase) +5% to +15%

Key takeaways

  • Stresses on healthcare systems are unprecedented. As the U.S. population ages, demand for medical services will grow much faster than the supply of practitioners leading to an estimated physician shortage of between 54,100 to 139,000 physicians by 2033. [1]
  • Insurers remain concerned about aberrational verdicts; the average of the top 50 malpractice verdicts increased 50% in 2023 to $48 million from $32 million in 2022. [2]
  • In response, even well-established insurers are carefully monitoring and, in many cases, reducing capacity to as low as $5 million. They are also quoting terms with increased attachment points for underlying coverages especially professional liability and auto.
  • Sexual abuse allegations continue to be a key concern for underwriters. Carriers have begun to include coinsurance and RDI provisions as mechanisms to limit or manage sexual abuse exposure.
  • Concerns about staffing, practitioner burnout, aging workforce. Plaintiff bars use understaffing to their advantage citing “profits before people.”


  1. June 2024 Report from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Return to article
  2. Fortune Magazine 7/2/24 Article – Medical Malpractice Payouts are ballooning and insurers are warning it will cost patients Return to article


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Healthcare Broking Leader, North America

Joanne Kowalczyk
Senior Placement Specialist Healthcare Broking, North America

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