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ResQ Machine-led Reserving

A game-changing solution that uses proprietary algorithms to create independent loss estimates, at the touch of a button.

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A game changer

ResQ Machine-led Reserving is transforming the way in which forward-thinking insurers operate, with accurate and transparent projections of ultimate losses.

It harnesses proprietary algorithms to optimize the core reserving methods in ResQ and emulate the judgements of experienced reserving practitioners. Applications range from in-flight use as a co-pilot to creating fully automated independent loss estimates and ranges.

Why choose ResQ Machine-led Reserving?


ResQ Machine-led Reserving opens new possibilities. It enables significantly greater efficiency and transparency in reserving, speeding up the process and allowing more projections to be undertaken with greater granularity to meet wider business needs. It can provide unbiased and objective independent checks on reserving work. It can harmonize frequent and automated loss estimates and MI across teams. Automate complex reserving projects with just a few clicks to uncover overlooked solutions, and scale to more granular and frequent analyses whilst saving valuable time and resources.


Back-testing of ResQ Machine-led Reserving projections against actual historic human-selected best estimates has shown remarkable outperformance compared to human practitioners alone. Optimize business processes to improve accuracy with an objective reference point to measure and refine actuarial decisions.


Because the projections are based on traditional techniques the results can be fully understood and easily adjusted if required. The output includes parameterized core methods and results selection in ResQ to provide a full audit of decisions, comparable to human selections. Adapt quickly to changing business needs with confidence to scale to higher complexity, granularity and frequency without losing control or interpretability.

Who benefits?

  • Insurers and reinsurers wanting enhanced accuracy and efficiency in reserving.
  • Group/second line functions validating estimates from regional teams.
  • Pricing and portfolio management teams needing frequent, precise estimates harmonised across technical functions.
  • Regulators assessing reserve adequacy across multiple entities.

Transform your reserving process

Unlock the full potential of your data, streamline workflows, and confidently scale your reserving efforts. Reach out to our team to learn how ResQ Machine-led Reserving will drive growth and innovation across your business.

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