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Нагороди та визнання

У всьому світі професійні та урядові організації, громадські групи та інші установи відзначають компанію WTW та її працівників за досягнення.

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Досконалість компанії та лідерство в галузі

Глобальне визнання за досконалість і лідерство в галузі в масштабах всієї компанії

  • Нагорода InsuranceERM за глобальні кліматичні ризики та сталий розвиток у 2023 році
    WTW won the climate-smart initiative of the year award for our parametric insurance program for the Meso-American Reef fund.
    WTW won the sustainable insurance initiative of the year award for developing the world’s first child-sensitive parametric insurance solution to support UNICEF’s response to tropical cyclones.
  • Міжнародна асоціація професіоналів аутсорсингу 2023 Global Outsourcing 100® від Міжнародної асоціації професіоналів аутсорсингу
    WTW was named to the IAOP’s 2024 Global Outsourcing 100. This marks the 13th year in a row the company was included on the annual listing of the world’s best outsourcing providers and advisors.
  • 2022 Нагорода за досягнення в управлінні інституційними фондами
    WTW was recognized as Multi-Asset Manager of the Year at Financial News’ annual Excellence in Institutional Fund Management Awards.
  • GTR 2022 Лідери в торгівлі
    WTW was recognized as the best trade credit insurance broker at the 2022 GTR Leaders in Trade Awards.
  • Нагорода Advisen 2021 Pacesetter Award
    After launching 16 new products and services in 2021, WTW won the number one spot in Advisen’s annual innovation Pacesetter Index.
  • 2021 Insight Evolve Awards
    Embark, WTW’s HR software, received the Digital Innovation award from Insight.
  • Фасилітатор року з перестрахування
    WTW's Insurance Consulting and Technology business was awarded Reinsurance Facilitator of the Year 2021 by Trading Risk.
  • Global Supplier Award 2021
    WTW received the Global Supplier Award for Service Excellence from Diageo for delivering outstanding quality, innovation, service and performance.
  • Top HR Product Award 2020
    WorkVue, WTW software based on the Reinventing Jobs methodology, received a Top HR Product award from Human Resource Executive magazine.
  • Нагорода Insurance Insider Cyber Ranking Award
    WTW won the Cyber Broking Innovation of the Year award for CyNav, a cyber solution for the maritime industry at The Insurance Insider Cyber Ranking awards 2020.
  • Нагорода «Золоте перо» Міжнародної асоціації бізнес-комунікаторів (IABC)
    WTW’s Communication and Change Management team received four IABC International Gold Quill Awards in 2020: one award of excellence and three awards of merit.
  • Asset Management Awards 2020
    Financial News awarded WTW’s Multi-Asset team the Multi-Asset Manager of the Year at the 19th annual Asset Management Awards.

Регіональне та національне визнання за досконалість та лідерство в галузі

  • 2023 European Captive Review Awards
    In 2023, WTW was recognized for employee benefits and captives consulting by Captive Review.
  • European Risk Management Awards 2023
    WTW’s Disaster Risk Finance and Parametrics team won the Systemic Risk Solution of the Year award.
  • Irish Pension Awards 2023
    LifeSight Ireland Master Trust received the Irish Pension Scheme of the Year award.
  • 2023 U.S. Business Insurance Awards
    WTW was named Broker Team of the Year for 2023 by Business Insurance.
  • U.K. Pensions Age Awards 2023
    WTW's retirement team won the Pensions Consultancy of the Year award from Pensions Age U.K.
  • 2023 Нагороди InsuranceERM у Великобританії та Європі
    WTW won two categories at the U.K. and Europe InsuranceERM U.K. awards: IFRS 17 Enterprise solution won IFRS 17 Solution of the Year, and Igloo, our comprehensive risk analytics modeling platform, won best use of cloud technology.
  • Asia Asset Management's 2023 Best of the Best Awards
    WTW was recognized as the Alternatives House of the Year (hedge fund) and Best Multi-Asset House by Asia Asset Management's Best of the Best Awards.
  • США The Stevie Awards, 2020-2023
    For four consecutive years, Via Benefits by WTW has received Stevie Awards within the healthcare and wellness industry for their customer service training program, customer service department and customer feedback strategy.
  • Cayman Awards 2022
    WTW's alternative risk finance team received several awards from Captive International for achievements in the Cayman Islands.
  • 2022 Transform Awards
    The WTW brand won the gold award for Best Visual Identity, Professional Services. Transform’s awards program focuses on rebrand and strategy and recognizes best practices in brand development.
  • Щорічні ринкові рейтинги 2022
    WTW's Corporate Risk and Broking team was recognized as Asia's Best Broker in Weather Risk Management by Environmental Finance for the second consecutive year.
  • Inside P&C Honors 2022
    WTW's Climate Transition Pathways (CTP) was awarded ESG Initiative of the Year. CTP is an accreditation framework that provides insurance companies and financial institutions with a consistent approach to identifying businesses with effective low carbon transition plans.
  • InsuranceERM Awards 2022
    WTW’s Climate and Resilience Hub and Alternative Risk Transfer teams received the Climate Risk Initiative of the Year award from InsuranceERM for developing a bespoke parametric insurance solution for Belize.
  • 2022 Європейська премія InsuranceERM Awards
    InsuranceERM awarded WTW two Solution of the Year awards. The technology tools ResQ and Unify received the Reserving Solution of the Year award, and the Climate & Resilience Hub and Alternative Risk Transfer teams received the Climate Risk Management Solution of the Year award. Additionally, The Climate and Resilience Hub’s Catastrophe Risk Modeling Solution was highly commended for its parametric solution designed for the Meso-American Reef fund.
  • Нагорода лідера страхового ринку Індонезії 2022
    WTW received an Insurance Market Leader award from Media Asuransi. The award recognizes WTW’s contribution to the insurance industry from its direct and facultative broking business in Indonesia.
  • Нагорода «Кращий альтернативний будинок
    WTW won the Alternative House of the Year category (hedge fund) in Asia Asset Management's 2022 Best of the Best Awards.
  • Нагорода HR Vendor of the Year Awards 2021
    WTW received a silver award for Best Compensation and Benefit Consultancy at the HR Vendors of the Year Awards in Hong Kong.
    WTW received a silver award for Best Corporate Wellness Providers at the HR Vendors of the Year Awards in Singapore.
  • 2021 InsuranceERM America Awards
    InsuranceERM awarded WTW three Solution of the Year awards: ResQ for Actuarial Modeling Solution of the Year, Radar Live for Analytics Solution of the Year and Parametric Earthquake Reinsurance Solution for Risk Consultancy of the Year.
  • Щорічний рейтинг ринку 2021
    WTW was awarded Best Broker for Weather Risk Management, Asia, by Environmental Finance.
  • European Risk Management Awards 2021
    WTW's Training Academy Program for risk and insurance received the Training and Education Award from Commercial Risk.
  • Data Solution of the Year
    WTW's industry-leading software, DataValidator, was named Data Solution of the Year at the 2021 InsuranceERM Awards.
  • Insurance Age UK Broker Awards
    WTW Networks won the 2020 Network of the Year award.
  • WTW Networks отримала нагороду «Мережа року 2020».
  • Нагорода Captive International's Cayman Awards
    WTW received Captive International’s 2020 Captive Management Individual Award and Reinsurance Broker Award and was highly commended for the following categories: captive management, feasibility studies, reinsurance individuals and actuarial.
  • Аналітичне рішення року 2020
    WTW's Insurance Consulting and Technology business won Analytics Solution of the Year at the 2020 InsuranceERM awards for its industry-leading software Radar Live. (U.K. and Europe).
  • Комплексне рішення року в галузі ERM та рішення для роботи з даними 2020 року
    WTW's Insurance Consulting and Technology business won two Solution of the Year awards at the 2020 InsuranceERM awards for the industry-leading software solutions Unify and DataValidator (U.S.).

Екологічні, соціальні та управлінські рішення

Глобальне визнання за екологічні, соціальні та управлінські рішення

  • Індекс гендерної рівності Bloomberg
    For the fifth consecutive year, WTW was selected for the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for a commitment to creating a more equal and inclusive workplace.
  • Сертифікація гендерного паритету 2022
  • Компанія-переможець W Company
    WTW was named a Winning W Company by 2020 Women on Boards for achieving at least 20% women on its corporate board before the year 2030.
  • Почесна відзнака за розмаїття та інклюзивність
    WTW has earned a place on Exelon’s Diversity and Inclusion Honor Roll since 2011.

Регіональне та національне визнання за екологічні, соціальні та управлінські досягнення

  • 2023 - 2024 Індекс корпоративної рівності Фонду Кампанії за права людини
    WTW received the highest score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index for an ongoing commitment to workplace inclusion and equality for LGBTQ+ colleagues.
  • Нагорода «Роботодавець, дружній до жінок в період менопаузи» 2023
    WTW’s Global Menopause Support group was awarded best support group and gained accreditation as a menopause-friendly employer by Menopause in the Workplace.
  • Бронзова нагорода Гонконзького індексу інклюзії ЛГБТ+ 2023
    For the fifth consecutive year, WTW Hong Kong was included in the Community Business LGBT+ Inclusion Index for our ongoing commitment to workplace diversity and inclusion.
  • Link LGBTQ+ Insurance Network Awards 2023
    WTW received the LGBTQ+ Outreach Award from Link LGBTQ+ Insurance Network for our Allyship Training Program.
  • Insurance Insider Honors 2022
    WTW’s U.K. Gender Equity Network (U.K. GEN) was recognized as highly commended in the Women in Insurance category at the Insurance Insider Honors.
  • Diversity Champion 2017 - 2020
  • Сертифікація жінок в управлінні 2018 - 2020

Кращий роботодавець

Національне визнання як кращого роботодавця

  • Actuarial Post Awards 2023
    WTW was named 2023 Employer of the Year by Actuarial Post.
  • Найкращі великі роботодавці Америки 2023
    WTW was named one of America's Best Large Employers on Forbes 2023 list.
  • Singapore Employer Experience Awards 2023
    WTW was recognized by Human Resources Online as having one of the best hybrid work models.
  • Роботодавець року для студентів
    WTW has won the BPP 2023 Apprentice of the Year award in the large employer category for the second consecutive year.
  • Найкращі роботодавці Сінгапуру 2021 та 2023
    WTW was recognized as one of Singapore’s Best Employers for the second time. The 2023 award was based on independent surveys of more than 17,000 employees nationwide.
  • Найкращі роботодавці Філіппін 2023
    WTW was selected as one of the best employers in the Philippines by the Philippine Daily Inquirer and Statistica.
  • Actuarial Post Awards 2021
    WTW was named Employer of the Year by Actuarial Post.
  • 2021 Princess Royal Training Awards
    WTW received a City and Guilds Princess Royal Training Award for the U.K. Pathfinder program, which helped over 500 to gain the skills, confidence and experience to become client-facing consultants earlier in their careers.
  • Найкращі компанії для працевлаштування випускників у 2020 - 2021 роках
    In the U.K., WTW ranked among the Top 100 Companies for Graduates to Work for in 2020 – 2021 by The JobCrowd.

Значне визнання, отримане окремими колегами WTW

Глобальне визнання окремих колег

  • 25 найкращих консультантів та лідерів у сфері злиттів та поглинань 2023
    Amanda Scott, managing director of Global M&A, was recognized as one of the Top 25 M&A Consultants of 2023 by The Consulting Report.
  • Нагороди натхненних лідерів Інституту CFA 2022
    Roger Urwin, co-founder of the Thinking Ahead Institute, was awarded the 2022 Inspirational Leader Award for Professional Excellence by CFA Institute.
  • 2022 Modern Governance 100 Honorees
    Shai Ganu, global head of Executive Compensation, was recognized as an ESG, Diversity & Climate Trailblazer in the Modern Governance 100 leaders list.
  • 2022 Global 100
    Iris Chan, executive director of Construction for Hong Kong and Macau, was recognized in Insurance Business’s Global 100 report of outstanding professionals.

Регіональне та національне визнання окремих колег

  • 100 найкращих у страховому бізнесі за 2024 рік
    Global head of Construction, Bill Creedon, and Management Liability Coverage leader, Larry Fine, were listed on the Hot 100 list of top insurance leaders across all specialties and markets by Insurance Business American.
  • 2023 Латинська Америка та Іспанія HR Influencers
    Alberto Mondelli, Integrated & Global Solutions, Mexico City, was selected as a Top 20 HR Influencer in GOintegro’s Groundbreakers category.
  • Страховий бізнес Women to Watch 2023
    Risk & Broking leaders, Denise Gordon and Kay McMenamin were recognized by Business Insurance as Women to Watch in the commercial insurance industry.
  • Women in Pensions Awards 2023
    Manjit Basi, senior director, Integrated & Global Solutions, was awarded Innovator of the Year at the Women in Pensions Awards.
  • 2023 Впливові жінки в інституційному інвестуванні
    Nimisha Srivastava, head of Investments, North America, was selected as one of Pension & Investments’ Influential Women in Institutional Investment.
  • Жінки-лідери в страхуванні | Елітні жінки 2023
    Jenifer Denby, Abbie Conneely and Amanda Scott were named Elite female leaders by Insurance Business U.K. for their meaningful contributions to the insurance industry.
  • Link LGBTQ+ Insurance Network awards 2023
    Louise Smith, global leader, Neuron Digital Trading, won a Lifetime Achievement Award from Link LGBTQ+ Insurance Network for decades of work raising awareness of LGBTQ+ inclusion and diversity in financial services.
  • Жінки, на яких варто звернути увагу 2022
    Recognizing outstanding leaders in risk management and commercial insurance, Business Insider honored WTW’s Jo Holliday (EMEA) with the Women to Watch award.
  • Гаряча сотня страхового бізнесу за 2022 рік
    Global head of Construction, Bill Creedon, and Management Liability Coverage leader, Larry Fine, were listed on the Hot 100 list of top insurance leaders across all specialties and markets over the past 12 months.
  • Нагороди Insurance Business America Awards 2022
    Larry Fine, Management Liability Coverage leader, North America, was named a 5-Star Professional Liability Broker winner by Insurance Business America.
  • 2022 Women in Protection and Health Awards
    Kate Kilpatrick, Health & Benefits associate marketing director, was recognized as a Women of the Year at the Women in Protection and Health Awards.
  • Страховий бізнес, висхідні зірки 2021
    Rhiannon Alban-Davies, regional head, Fine Art and Specie, Asia, was named a 2021 Rising Star by Insurance Business Asia.
  • Провідні брокери Грейсчерч Лондона
    Martin Collins, an executive in the Aviation practice, was recognized as the leading broker for Aviation and Space in Gracechurch London's Leading Brokers 2021 rankings.
  • Елітні жінки страхового бізнесу Азії
    Iris Chan, executive director of Construction for Hong Kong and Macau, Corporate Risk and Broking, Asia, was one of 21 leaders named to Insurance Business Asia's Elite Women 2021.
  • Найкращі страхові брокери 5-зіркові нагороди за екологічну досконалість
    Joanna Newson, director and broker in the Environmental practice, was recognized as one of the top environmental brokers in the U.K. in 2021 by Insurance Business.
  • Power Broker® Rising Stars
    Four WTW colleagues were included on the 2020 Risk and Insurance list of Power Broker® Rising Stars in North America, continuing a trend of multiple wins for WTW brokers over the past several years.
  • Віртуальна конференція з нагородження та лідерства в регіоні EMEA
    Elizabeth Carbonaro, regional head of the Global Captive practice for Western Europe, was recognized as a 2020 Women to Watch by Business Insurance at their 2020 awards conference.
  • Премія «Жінки у фінансах Великобританії 2020
    Marisa Hall, head of the Thinking Ahead Group, WTW, was named Woman of the Year for her global advocacy work for sustainability, culture and I&D in the financial services industry.
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